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Zooming In for the Holidays

One game to rule them all!

Happy holidays friends! I've got the deets on this week's yoga, music and wellness offerings listed below, but wanted to share with you a really fun game I created for my family's weekly Zoom meeting.

With the pandemic still at full tilt my fam decided that rather than celebrating the holidays in person, this year we will do weekly Zoom meetings to stay connected. For this week's Zoom meet up I got it in my head that I wanted to play a game with everyone. My Dad is a huge Lord of the Rings fan and raised us on the books, audio tapes and movies, so I thought it would be really fun for us to play a L.O.T.R. trivia game. I have been teaching my music lessons on Zoom and have gotten pretty good at using all the different features and came up with a super creative way to do it that we had a total blast playing together. Here is a step-by-step guide so that you can recreate it with friends and family and spread the fun!

Lord of the Rings Zoom Trivia Game:

1. Double click on the "Game Board" image at the top of this email I created and save it to your computer.

2. Before your Zoom meeting begins open the image.

3. Open Spotify (or whatever you stream music with) and queue up any "Lord of the Rings" music playlist.

4. On another computer, tablet or phone open the following web pages (or any page with L.O.T.R. trivia questions):

5. Once your Zoom meeting has begun and all participants are present click the "Share Screen" icon in the bottom tool bar.

6. In the new window that opens click the "Share Sound" box located in the bottom left corner, then click on the image of the Game Board.

7. Start the L.O.T.R. Spotify playlist and make sure to bring the volume in the player down to a low, background level.

8. To fill in team names hover your mouse over the top of the green and red "You are screen sharing/Stop Share" tool bar until a larger tool bar pops up. Click the "Annotate" icon with the little pen. A new tool bar will appear. Click on the "Text" icon and then click in the team name boxes on the game board and fill in the appropriate names.

9. Start playing, asking the teams questions one at a time from the web pages.

10. When a team gets a question right you can mark their score on the board by clicking the "Stamp" icon from the Annotate tool bar, selecting the heart stamp and then clicking on the box in the game board.

~ First one to 10 wins! ~

Have fun, stay safe, and let me know how it goes!

Much love,



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